Message from the President
Dear Santa Barbara Associates and Friends,
Welcome 2024! We are happy to start the year with the much-awaited launch of our new website! We are grateful for the work of Marci Friedlander, Christine Gregory, Sue Larsen, and Lori Sullivan for their dedication to this challenging project. Special thanks go to our IT guru Christine Gregory who has worked tirelessly on this project with good sense and good cheer. She is a pleasure to work with and I am grateful for her support. Our goal was to provide members with easy access to SBA activities and events and allow prospective members to browse information about the history and activities of Santa Barbara Associates. We hope you are pleased with the results. We will consistently be updating our content on the site with helpful information, newsletters, announcements, and member successes.
The new year also brings our Annual Meeting and the official welcome to the 2024 Board. Please save the date for Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm. I am happy to say many of our board will be returning, with new members volunteering to serve.