Message from the President
Dear Santa Barbara Associates and Friends,
SBA members enjoyed a terrific luncheon last month featuring speaker extraordinaire Greg Gorga, Executive Director of the Maritime Museum. His talk about the history of the Point Conception lighthouse was fascinating! If you missed it, SBMM has a past lecture on the topic available on their website. Well worth a watch, and a visit to the museum to see the magnificently restored lighthouse lens.
When you receive this newsletter I will be in Sicily and Malta with the Santa Barbara Museum of Art’s travel program. I will be stopping in London on my way back to Santa Barbara, just in time for Coronation weekend. I will share some highlights in the next newsletter. How about you? Have you been on a trip? Any work or life events you would like to share in our newsletter? The Santa Barbara Associates is a business AND social club. We are the perfect audience for your stories and photos!