Message from the President
“Kind words are short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa
Dear Santa Barbara Associates and Friends,
These past few years as President have been great. We have been able to keep our membership growing thought all the hard times of COVID. I appreciate all our Board members and thank them for the work we have done.
A special thank you to a member who has moved out of town and is coming off the Board is Beverly Bakerbrown. Thanks, Beverly for your support all those years and your most lovely smile and cheerful outfits that always made us happy. Best of luck in your new life.
The January meeting was very good. It was wonderful to know we are all keeping active. Great to know how much we support each other with knowledge and experience. That is what we are all about.
Voting is important and I am sure most of you have already voted for our Board. But if you haven’t, I hope you will do so right away. The results will be mentioned at our Annual Meeting. Do put that on your calendar, February 23rd at the University Club. It will be a fun time. Calla Gold as MC and guest speaker Michele Jackman giving up-to-date information and leading us forward into the future.
Do read on and see what members are doing. I would like to see an article from you.
Thank You All!
Sue Larsen
SBA President 2022