Santa Barbara Associates Members and guests enjoyed a terrific “You are the Speaker” luncheon last month. Attendees spoke of their adventures and accomplishments; the highs, the lows, and the laughs and tears along the way. Thank you to all who participated. We are all so busy in our daily lives and it was a pleasure to take time to reflect and share on how we came to be where we are today.
In attendance at the luncheon were our two newest members of Santa Barbara Associates; Julie Newell, Marriage and Family Therapist, MA, LMFT, proposed by Rachel Quittner, and Camille Damore, Freelance Designer and Tech Consultant, proposed by Tanis Hammond. We are so pleased to welcome Camille and Julie, and thank Tanis and Rachel for recommending these successful entrepreneurs for membership in Santa Barbara Associates.
This issue of the newsletter includes stories shared by our members. How about you? Have you been on a trip? Any work or life events you would like to share? The Santa Barbara Associates is a business and social club. Let us share them in the newsletter. We are the perfect audience for your stories and photos!